Submit your work
Good people of adland, send us your very best work! We want to look at it and then think about it and then possibly even write about it.
Submit your work
Good people of adland, send us your very best work!
We want to look at it and then think about it and then possibly even write about it.
Send us as much information about the campaign as possible, including a press release, images, and important background context. Also, let us know if the team behind the work is available for an interview.
Our team of researchers, writers and editors will assess your work in our regular editorial meetings. Using our internal evaluation tools and frameworks, we’ll decide whether it’s a good fit for our readers.
If we think the work meets our high creative bar, we’ll write it up and overlay our own Contagious Insight, explaining to readers why it’s so smart. We may even interview you to shine a light on your smart thinking.

Contagious IQ /
Any campaign that passes our strict quality control is first published on Contagious IQ, our intelligence platform that champions the most creative, effective and innovative marketing ideas from around the globe. Once your work has been included here, it becomes part of our depository of best practice examples, and could be used as an case study of world-class marketing for years to come.