Centraal Beheer, Car Commercial to Go 

Dutch insurer creates personalised ads for private car sellers, boosts sales by 10%

This story originally appeared on Contagious I/O, our online intelligence tool. To find out more click here.

Netherlands-based insurance company Centraal Beheer developed a drive-thru service that generated professional car commercials for private car sellers.

The majority of Dutch people resell their cars through sites like Markplaats.nl, Autotrader and Facebook. As a result, it is increasingly difficult to stand out among the vast number of online car ads.

To help car sellers while promoting its services, Centraal Beheer turned what looked like a typical car wash drive-thru into a high-tech studio that generated professional car commercials in less than a minute.

The studio was available to use over a three day period in June 2018.

All users had to do was drive to the installation and select one of three themes, ‘Nature’, ‘Hollywood’ or ‘Luxury’.

Within 40 seconds, five projector screens, three automated cameras and an on-site voice actor crafted the tailor-made advert around the selected theme.

Private car sellers were able to drive away with a high quality, personalised car commercial ready to go.

Each car ad was also an insurance ad for Centraal Beheer as every video ended with the message ‘Want to buy this car or another car? Then choose the most customer-friendly insurance company.’

The Car Commercial to Go campaign was created by DDB & Tribal Amsterdam

Results / According to the agency, the campaign helped more than 500 people to sell cars, increased sales by 10% and generated 40 million impressions. The ads also earned 1 million video views and helped brand preference grow by 25% within a week of launch.


Weaponising sellers / Centraal Beheer’s campaign is built around the insight that most people switch car insurance providers when buying a new or used car. The brand’s personlised slick car commercials might not necessarily end in a transaction for the private seller, but they will expose the brand to a relevant audience at a critical moment: when they are in the market to change their car and probably their insurance along with it.

This campaign cleverly connects with potential customers at the research and planning stage of the car buying consumer journey. Most people browse car deals and make purchase decisions online, before concluding transactions face-to-face or at a car dealership. According to Cox Automotive’s ‘Future of Digital Retail’ study, 83% of people want to do one or more steps of the car purchase process online, which includes browsing for vehicles. Centraal Beheer is involving itself in this process early on when car insurance isn’t necessarily top of mind for customers.

Engaging content / Online advertising like banners and pre-roll ads are often ignored by customers. Infolinks, a global leader in monetizing digital advertising, has even coined the phrase ‘banner blindness’. A survey by Infolinks found that only 14% of respondents could recall the last display ad they saw and out of that, only 2.8% thought it was relevant. Another report by ORC International, cited by Business Insider, revealed that a massive 90% of people skip pre-roll video ads entirely. If you combine boring advertising with a boring product (e.g. insurance) then it’s not hard to see how difficult it can be to get people’s attention.

Here, Centraal Beheer is giving individuals a reason to notice its ad. By embedding itself in an attention-grabbing car commercial, the insurance brand engages consumers at a key moment in their purchase journey with memorable online content rather than just a rational, sales-oriented message.

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